Monthly Archives: May 2022

Wildlife Control – 3 Signs It’s Time to Call Professionals!

Home invasion by critters is not a matter of joke. Whether it’s birds or rodents, they can make your home uninhabitable. From electrical wiring to insulation, your house will become vulnerable in many ways if you ignore their invasion day by day. And that is what most homeowners in Vancouver encounter.

Therefore, if you see an animal overrunning your attic or basement, appoint pest professionals immediately! Here are the signs you need to call them for wildlife control in Vancouver. Keep scrolling down!

wildlife control

When You Should Call Professionals for Wildlife Control

Animal Droppings

Have you noticed animal droppings in your home? These can be dangerous and lead to numerous health issues. Feces can carry bacteria and spores. And if these are left unnoticed for a long time, the accumulation of urine and feces can cause damaged insulation and wood. So, why take this risk? Call pest exterminators who are well aware of the procedure of removing droppings.

You Hear Critters in Your House

Do you hear scuffling, scuttling, or scurrying in the walls of your house? If so, the time has come to call wildlife removal experts. These sounds can also hint at significant damage to your home. Therefore, don’t ignore the sounds coming from inside your house. Wildlife can carry diseases, create mold, and so many problems. Hence, it’s better to appoint pest exterminators immediately!

Significant Internal and External Damages

Small critters have the ability to damage the structure of your home. From chewed electrical wires to damaged shingles, they can create a lot of issues. Not only that but birds and squirrels can also be responsible for damaging the exterior of your home. But there is nothing to get worried about! Pest control experts can effectively survey your property and make the repairs. They will analyze the exterior of your home to determine the areas that have been damaged.

Contact Here for Wildlife Control

Vancouver Pest Control LTD. is famous for wildlife control in Vancouver. Here, the certified experts use eco-friendly products that are completely safe. Here, you will facilitate 24/7 customer support. Visit for more details.

Bed Bug Control – 4 Signs You Need Professional Help!

Bedbugs are tiny creatures that are hard to find. They don’t carry diseases, but their presence can be annoying and stressful to live with. In Vancouver, the cases of bed bug infestation are rising day by day. Are you worried about having bed bugs in your home? Naturally! But if you observe any of the following signs, call the experts who specialize in bed bug control in Vancouver. So, keep reading!

Bed Bug Control

When You Need to Call Pest Exterminators for Bed Bug Control

Listed below are the signs that will help you know whether there are bed bugs in your home or not.

You Wake up with Red Spots

It’s one of the most noticeable signs of bed bug infestation you may find on your skin. Bed bug bites are red and can be itchy. The bite may also become inflamed. In this situation, you should inspect for bed bugs regularly. And once you find them, call pest exterminators immediately! Remember, they spread rapidly.

Unexplained Musty Odours

Have you detected an unfamiliar and musty odour in your home? If so, bed bugs may have entered your house. Any unpleasant and musty scent signal the presence of pesky critters. It’s because bed bugs release pheromones. And the smell is quite strong if there is a large number of bed bugs in your home.

Blood Stains on Bed Sheets

Waking up with your bed sheet peppered with blood can be alarming. It signals a bed bug problem. During the night, you may unconsciously squash a bug after it feeds. And that is what will result in blood spots on the bed linen and your skin.

You Wonder Bed Bug Shells

Bed bugs shed their skin when they grow. So, if you observe bed bug shells in your room, it indicates the presence of bed bugs in your home. You may find them on your mattress or under furniture.

Bed bug infestation is not an issue you can handle on your own. You need to call pest exterminators to get a permanent solution.

Contact Here to Get Rid of Bed Bugs

Need pest exterminators for bed bug control in Vancouver? Get in touch with Vancouver Pest Control Ltd. They have a team of certified technicians. Click on to know more.