Monthly Archives: November 2021

Tips That Homeowners Should Follow for Bed Bug Control

Have you recently found bed bugs in your home? No need to panic! You have to take the right measure for a successful bed bug elimination. And that’s where many homeowners in Vancouver commit mistakes.

Don’t worry! This article has brought out a few tips that can be beneficial for bed bug control in Vancouver. So, let’s take a look at these!

bed bug control

How to Eliminate Bed Bugs from Your Home

Here are a few tips for bed bug control, which you must be aware of as a homeowner.

Monitor the Signs of Infestation

Bed bugs feed human blood. Hence, you may notice small red or brown spots on your bed sheet. And in case of more severe infestation, you will notice a musky smell. It’s an odour caused by a pheromone released by bed bugs.

Wash Everything

Wash all fabrics that are suitable for the washing machine. These include rugs, clothing, bedding, etc. It’s highly advisable to wash these at high heat. The other items you can’t wash must go through the drying cycle in the dryer. It’s because heat is the best way to kill bed bugs.

Clean Your Entire House

You need to clean the entire house as bed bugs are difficult to find. It involves cleaning the carpet, decluttering, filling the cracks, etc. Clean all the areas where this harmful pest can hide. In this regard, consider using a steam cleaner throughout your entire home.

Seal Everything

Now, it’s time to pay attention to the other things that you can’t wash. For instance, books and chairs. You should seal off these belongings in a bedbug-proof bag. This will prevent the pests from escaping and suffocate them.

Apart from following these tips, if you can’t eliminate bed bugs from your home, you will have no option other than hiring pest control experts. They will give you a permanent solution.

A Trusted Pest Control Company to Contact

Need experts’ help for bed bug control in Vancouver? Make a deal with Vancouver Pest Control Ltd. Here, the professionals use eco-friendly products that are safe to use. Visit to know more about their services.