Monthly Archives: April 2022

Spring Pest Control – 3 Preventive Measures You Can Take!

Spring is arriving! The weather starts getting warmer. This is the time when pests emerge and enter a home. And the day is not so far when your house may become their target and cause a serious pest infestation. So, what to do to avoid this unwanted situation?

Well, in this regard, it’s wise to take the following preventive measures for spring pest control beforehand.

Spring Pest Control

Tips to Make Your Home Pest-Proof

When spring arrives in Vancouver, several pests, such as carpenter ants, wasps, bed bugs, wake up from their winter naps. But the following tips can help you prepare your home against these pests.

Repair Entry Points

Over time, your home undergoes wear and tear. Hence, to prevent pests from entering your property, inspect the perimeter of your house to verify whether there are any signs of damage or entry points for pests. Once the winter is over, make sure there are no holes in your roof to keep pests away from your house. And don’t forget to cover exposed air vents.

Eliminate Attractive Odours

When the weather starts getting warmer, finding food is the top priority for many pests. Therefore, to ensure these creatures will avoid your house, keep your kitchen tidy. And clean the space as soon as after having a meal. Place garbage in a tightly sealed bin, wipe and sweep away crumbs, and store leftovers in an airtight container.

Clean Your House

Dirty and cluttered spaces are ideal for rodents to live. Here, they feel safe. Hence, to make your dwelling pest-proof, remove all clutters lying around your home. Inspect faucets and pipes for any leaks and get them repaired as early as possible. In addition, keep scrap wood in your garage or under a shelter to prevent making the woods from being attractive to termites.

These tips can help you protect your home from pest infestation. But unfortunately, if you encounter any above-mentioned pests in your home, call pest exterminators to deal with them efficiently. In Vancouver, you will find many pest control companies that offer eco-friendly pest control solutions. These are not only safe but can also give you a permanent solution.

Contact Here for Spring Pest Control

Are you looking for pest exterminators for spring pest control? Get in touch with Vancouver Pest Control Ltd. Here the experts use the Integrated Pest Management Technique for controlling pests. They offer pest control services in residential, commercial, and industrial areas. Visit to gather more information.